
Is There Such a Thing as an Easy Life?

Of course the answer is “no”. That doesn’t keep us from wishing and aspiring for it. If it were as easy as pushing a button, wouldn’t we all do that? But truth be told, an easy life would also be a boring life. The joy and pain of life are the ebbs and flows. The […]

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The Passage of Time

It’s an interesting thing, the passage of time.  “Grief never ends… but it changes. It’s a passage, not a place to stay. Grief is not a sign of weakness, nor a lack of faith… It is the price of love.” I posted this online a year ago.  And just like that, you think you’ve gotten […]

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My Best Friend.

Bella, my sweetest girl. 1 week from today, it will have been 1 year since you left this world. It feels like both yesterday and a lifetime ago, though I miss you today just as much as ever. You were and will always be my best friend. It still doesn’t feel real and certainly not […]

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Satisfy Everyone or No One

My fatal flaw. The need to satisfy everyone, or feeling that I’ve satisfied no one at all. Now everyone knows that it’s impossible to make everyone happy. And in fact, you could argue that it’s not our job to make anyone happy anyways. Often I think so much about what someone else may want that […]

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The last day of the month, and 6 months of the year has passed. Every day brings new surprises and challenges. New questions and choices. We await the unexpected, certain that news could change everything. We make mistakes and ask forgiveness, even of ourselves and our maker. We look back and we look ahead. I’m […]

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Yesterday, Today, Tomorrow

It’s an interesting thing, time. Looking ahead, looking back, trying to be focused on the present. We move forward and then get pulled back. Like waves in the ocean. We think of all that can be, that will be, that should be. Then we think of all that was. How difficult it is just to […]

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time money energy
Life | Work

Time vs Money

I’ve been thinking about the balance of time versus money. I started consulting to create flexibility in my life, but I’ve also been grateful to do well financially also. That being said, I’ve given up even more lucrative opportunities for that flexibility. To me, and for me, it was worth it. I was talking with […]

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6 months have passed this past Saturday since I lost my very best girl, Bella. My heart hasn’t healed and still loss has come again. Yesterday I learned that Bobo the cat is no longer with us. He wasn’t mine exactly, but he was mine more so than anyone else and I loved him. We […]

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1/2 of a Year

Time is a strange thing. The clock never stops for you. Minutes turn to hours, hours to days, days to weeks, weeks to months, and months to years. It’s inevitable but it doesn’t make it easier. It’s been 26 weeks today since that fateful Thursday. Exactly one-half of a year since Bella left this world. […]

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life after loss

Life and Living After Loss

The sixth (and most newly recognized) stage of grief is finding meaning from loss.  I have cycled through all of the stages of grief, many times over, since Bella left this world. I still really miss her and I always will. …Do you know what Bella taught me in all of this? The meaning I […]

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