heart of life

Heart of Life

Today as we’re finishing the 2nd to last month of the year, I’m thinking how quickly how time goes and how uncertain it all is. Life is messy and unpredictable. Complicated and hard. But there is beauty in the chaos and we must search for balance in it all. As Thanksgiving has passed, we should […]

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The Power of Prayer

Do you believe in prayer? Do you believe in a higher power? Sometimes life is out of control. Sometimes there is so much happening and so little you can do about it. Whether in your personal life or in the world around you, the phrase “let go and let God” rings true. I used to […]

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Judge Not

“Judge not so that ye may not be judged.” I grew up with my dad quoting this Bible verse from Matthew 7 since I was a little girl. But, we all know it’s easier said than done. You see someone’s choices or circumstances and you wonder how they got there. You do more than wonder, […]

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2 Years

2 years without you and I still miss you just the same. They say time heals all wounds. That may be true but the scar remains. You can look at the scar and remember exactly how you felt when it happened. You can run your finger over it with awe, thinking of how bad it was […]

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Life | Work

Mentors and Mines

I think back to my corporate career…working for someone else. There were many things I could have (and probably should have) done differently. Once, I was brought onboard by a mentor of mine. What turned into a good experience became challenging with a poor manager – uninvolved most of the time, and involved in a […]

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all or nothing
Life | Work

All or Nothing

It’s easy to have the mentality of all or nothing. Either you do it all, have it all, be it all – or…you do, have and be nothing? In reality, these aren’t the only two options…something is in between. Everything is one step at a time. Every one of those steps adds up. I recently […]

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Nothing Broken

I previously wrote about the art of kintsugi. Putting broken things back together to make them more beautiful. It really is a lesson for life. Instinct is to throw things out when they’re broken. To replace them. But what if you could take that broken thing…person…relationship…and put it back together better than ever? A week […]

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who can say

Who Can Say

I have nothing original to say for this month’s post. After a lovely vacation, I’m feeling content, albeit a bit introspective and curious what the future holds. So I’ll leave you with Enya – Who can say where the road goes?Where the day flows?Only time And who can say if your love growsAs your heart […]

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I Return

I did not grow up traveling. Once, when I was 4, I went to Maine from Florida to meet my Mom’s family. Every year we went from Tampa to Orlando to Disney. When I was 10, I moved to Maine with my mom and sister.  When I went away to college in Boston, I was […]

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Life | Work

The Balance of Life and Work

This has long been the tagline for my blog, but how well I followed it, that’s up for debate. I’m very fortunate that I can make my own schedule (for both life and work), and have been able to take long weekends or bring my laptop with me on longer trips. At the same time, […]

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