Jack of all trades master of none
Life | Work

Jack of All Trades, Master of None

Would you rather be an expert in one thing or adept at many things? Perhaps you’ve heard about the 10,000 hour rule to perfect your craft. You spend all of your time learning or practicing everything possible about a particular area. You have significant depth in this area, but as it’s been your primary focus, […]

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Opportunity Cost
Life | Work

Opportunity Cost

Sometimes I think about opportunities I’ve lost. Primarily these are related to work and money. Leaving a company before stock vests. Not buying into stock that ends up doing well. Turning down a job opportunity. Then I think about what I would have given up to have said yes. Flexibility. Travel. A big move. Personal […]

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Life | Work

Should I Stay or Should I Go?

As the song by The Clash goes, “Should I stay, or should I go now? If I go, there will be trouble. And if I stay, it will be double. So come on and let me know.” We all face that period in life where we need to decide: should I stay or should I […]

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Life | Work

Mentors and Mines

I think back to my corporate career…working for someone else. There were many things I could have (and probably should have) done differently. Once, I was brought onboard by a mentor of mine. What turned into a good experience became challenging with a poor manager – uninvolved most of the time, and involved in a […]

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all or nothing
Life | Work

All or Nothing

It’s easy to have the mentality of all or nothing. Either you do it all, have it all, be it all – or…you do, have and be nothing? In reality, these aren’t the only two options…something is in between. Everything is one step at a time. Every one of those steps adds up. I recently […]

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Life | Work

The Balance of Life and Work

This has long been the tagline for my blog, but how well I followed it, that’s up for debate. I’m very fortunate that I can make my own schedule (for both life and work), and have been able to take long weekends or bring my laptop with me on longer trips. At the same time, […]

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Life | Work

A Change Would Do You Good

It’s been an interesting start to 2023 with layoffs happening left and right, even at mega companies letting go of thousands of employees at once. Layoffs often happen in the blink of an eye without any time to plan, and that’s proved true for those who lost access to everything in an instant.  But alas, […]

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time money energy
Life | Work

Time vs Money

I’ve been thinking about the balance of time versus money. I started consulting to create flexibility in my life, but I’ve also been grateful to do well financially also. That being said, I’ve given up even more lucrative opportunities for that flexibility. To me, and for me, it was worth it. I was talking with […]

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Life | Work

Does Vacation Just Mean Away from Home?

This post is a bit of a continuation of my last one. And here I shall leave it, to avoid a tone of complaint. If anything strikes you as a first world problem, this should certainly be it. I live a good life. A great life even. This I can’t and won’t debate. So why […]

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work travel
Life | Work

Work to Travel or Travel to Work?

One of my favorite things about working for myself is that I can set my own schedule. Typically, I have a tremendous amount of flexibility – though some of that does depend on the type of consulting engagement. Over the last year, I’ve ended up taking on more roles than projects, so that creates a […]

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