
Life or Something Like It

March 27, 2020

In some ways it feels like I lost the entire month of March. We all lost the month of March.

Many have lost more than a month. At worst, their life, or the life of someone they know and love. Their job, their income, their stability, their hope.

When I look to my optimistic side, I tell myself that I didn’t really lose anything – I’ve only gained. If you’ve seen past posts, you know I’ve written about perspective and the patience in waiting. If we take anything from this, it’s what’s really important, it’s having perspective on both the bad times and the good, and it’s being patient, even in the midst of waiting.

Life is uncertain right now in almost every area, for every person. Even those with good jobs, if this lasts long enough, could be out of them. We don’t know when it will end and at what cost.

Much of life is out of our control. That we need to accept. We can choose to be kind. We can choose to take care of our bodies and our minds. We can’t control a global pandemic. We can’t control others actions and reactions.

I am working on managing my thoughts and behaviors, creating routines that drive positive versions of these (instead of 23 hours / day reading the news leading to great despair). I’m reading, learning a language, exercising, listening to music. As I’m used to working from home each day, that aspect of my day remains unchanged (and for that I am so incredibly grateful). Sometimes I succumb and find I’ve wasted hours on social media reading depressing posts and articles, or watching the volatility of the stock market and exchange rates like a hawk.

But alas, I am human. I try, like we all are trying. We’re trying to get by, hoping for a new day, a better day.

And I am lucky. More lucky that I possibly deserve or have earned. And I am so thankful for that. So despite whatever fleeting thoughts I may have that hurt my outlook, know that I am here. I am a sounding board if you need one…for encouragement, for advice, for business strategy. Whether I know you or not, please send me a message. We are all in this together.

“And now these three remain: faith, hope and love…but the greatest of these is love.” (1 Corinthians 13:13)