
It’s Not a Mask

January 15, 2024

Almost 5 years ago, I wrote a post titled “Masking Rather Than Fixing” and it’s been coming to mind recently.

At the time I had written, “…in some cases, our only option is a mask. Some issues cannot be fixed no matter how hard we try.” I then followed with all of the things that we can fix. While this is still often true, with time I’m realizing that for some people, some things are harder to fix than it is for others.

For example, someone may have a medical reason for why they can’t lose weight. A hormone imbalance that impacts their mental health. Scars from previous skin injuries that can only disappear with makeup.

Sometimes, there’s nothing wrong with a little help. And sometimes, it’s not a mask and it’s not doing justice to be considered one. It’s the only solution and it’s the best solution for them.

Until you walk a mile in someone else’s shoes, you won’t understand why anyone is the way they are…why they make the choices they do. So do not judge, just support others in becoming the best versions of themselves. THEIR best version is not the same as YOUR best version. THEIR path to this is not the same as your PATH. So be kind.

And who knows, maybe you’ll need a little help one day and hope someone will give you the same grace you once gave others.