I think back to my corporate career…working for someone else. There were many things I could have (and probably should have) done differently. Once, I was brought onboard by a mentor of mine. What turned into a good experience became challenging with a poor manager – uninvolved most of the time, and involved in a […]
It’s easy to have the mentality of all or nothing. Either you do it all, have it all, be it all – or…you do, have and be nothing? In reality, these aren’t the only two options…something is in between. Everything is one step at a time. Every one of those steps adds up. I recently […]
I previously wrote about the art of kintsugi. Putting broken things back together to make them more beautiful. It really is a lesson for life. Instinct is to throw things out when they’re broken. To replace them. But what if you could take that broken thing…person…relationship…and put it back together better than ever? A week […]
I have nothing original to say for this month’s post. After a lovely vacation, I’m feeling content, albeit a bit introspective and curious what the future holds. So I’ll leave you with Enya – Who can say where the road goes?Where the day flows?Only time And who can say if your love growsAs your heart […]
I did not grow up traveling. Once, when I was 4, I went to Maine from Florida to meet my Mom’s family. Every year we went from Tampa to Orlando to Disney. When I was 10, I moved to Maine with my mom and sister. When I went away to college in Boston, I was […]
This has long been the tagline for my blog, but how well I followed it, that’s up for debate. I’m very fortunate that I can make my own schedule (for both life and work), and have been able to take long weekends or bring my laptop with me on longer trips. At the same time, […]
It’s been an interesting start to 2023 with layoffs happening left and right, even at mega companies letting go of thousands of employees at once. Layoffs often happen in the blink of an eye without any time to plan, and that’s proved true for those who lost access to everything in an instant. But alas, […]
Hard to believe that 2022 is coming to an end. There were bright moments, and there were sad ones – as is true for anyone, I imagine. It wasn’t as good as I would have hoped for, but it’s certainly better than it could have been. December has been trending up and I’m looking forward […]
Anyone who knows me, knows I don’t give up easily on things I care about. I am tenacious, sometimes to a fault. And usually I will say it’s one of the traits I’m most proud of and it has served me well. But, I’m beginning to learn that maybe sometimes it’s ok to give up. […]
Of course the answer is “no”. That doesn’t keep us from wishing and aspiring for it. If it were as easy as pushing a button, wouldn’t we all do that? But truth be told, an easy life would also be a boring life. The joy and pain of life are the ebbs and flows. The […]