
Circumstances: Born or Made

May 31, 2024

None of us chose to arrive into this world. Not one of us chose our parents, our upbringing, our financial status. It just was. We were born into our circumstances. Some capitalize on these circumstances. They make the best and more of the cards they were dealt, even if a bad hand. Others squander their fortune – not only money.

But life is not only what you were born into. It’s what you make of it. America is the land of dreams and we can change our circumstance.

What a beautiful thing. The way it is isn’t the way it always has to be. The way it’s been isn’t necessarily the way it will be.

Some of us were lucky, some of us less so. But we can always be better and do better, not just for ourselves but for others too.

And the funny thing is, sometimes our circumstances are what make us. We strive for something greater or even something less. Sometimes the very circumstances that made you can make you into something far more.

So where did you come from and who do you want to be? Circumstances are not just born, they’re made. It’s up to us to make them.