
Invest in Yourself

The return on investment by investing in your business – and therefore yourself – offers higher rewards and lower risks than trying to beat the stock market or going all in on the latest pyramid scheme. That’s not to say that if you pile all your savings into a half-baked idea it will come out […]

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Negotiate Your Pay

This is one of my favorite work topics, as friends have come to me for years asking about this. I know everyone approaches this topic differently, and my viewpoint is not the only one. I am a firm advocate of NEVER telling how much you make in your current role. 1) it’s no one’s business […]

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What’s Your Purpose?

There’s what you like to do and what you love to do and what you’re good at doing. I like marketing and I love animals and I seem to be pretty good at helping people answer life’s many questions. Things like how to budget, save, negotiate and so on. But in all of this, you […]

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How to Become a Consultant

Before making the leap to be a consultant, it’s important to consider every stage of the process. My tips below don’t include the pre-work…the dreaming, the planning and the decision. Instead, these are things to keep in mind once you’ve decided to give it a go: Get everything in writing. Have an agreement and make […]

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american dream

The American Dream

Maybe that’s the power of the American Dream. You can be anything you want to be. Those who know me know I’ve been on a kick about this lately. Society teaches you that the American Dream is to go to college, meet someone, get married, buy a house, have kids and have a successful career […]

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The Surprises & Challenges of Change

July 23, 2010 I wrote my first post on my Facebook page for Promise Consulting Group. I had been at Vistaprint for about a year, and had gotten my “free website for life”, which I proudly secured with June 10 of this year was my last day at a “full-time job”. 6 years ago, […]

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3 Weeks In…

It’s been about 3 weeks since I last posted, and a busy 3 weeks it’s been. I’ve added clients and I’ve added team members; I’ve added hours and I’ve added projects. I’ve traveled on a whim and I’ve saved 2 hours of daily commuting; I’ve taken walks and bike rides over lunch and I’ve watched […]

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Promise Consulting Group

Last week, I sent out the below e-mail to my friends and family. Here’s to my first post and a new beginning. This site will serve to tell that story… I’m excited to share that Promise Consulting Group became an LLC earlier this year, and as of June, I will be pursuing consulting full-time. A lot […]

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