ebbs and flows
Life | Work

The Ebbs and Flows of Life

October 30, 2020

Last month, I had posted about the concept of feast or famine. This month, it’s the ebbs and flows of life.

As is true for many, my business slowed in late spring after the pandemic spread. I lost my largest client in April because they could no longer offer in-person classes, and so had no need for marketing. The featured image above shows a chart of my income year to date – as you can see, comparatively May through July were quite quiet. I was lucky to still have some work, and also time to build my travel website focused on hotel member loyalty. Plus, I was able to focus on selling and buying a house. But in trying times, we are forced to be creative and adjust. And that’s exactly what I did.

Through these creative efforts of tapping new sources for clients, by August, my work picked-up close to pre-COVID times. In September, I was working more than ever, and that has continued through the time of this post. While admittedly, I’m tired, I am extremely grateful.

I include this image only to show that this is life – the ebbs and flows, the feast and famine, happiness and sadness, joy and pain.

We adjust, and we survive…because we must. I promise there are better days ahead.